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Iconic Images : Blow-Up : Icons Up-Close and Personal


Iconic Images Gallery presents an exhibition highlighting brilliant images of some of the most recognisable faces in history.

Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1966 film ‘Blow-Up’ documented the life of a photographer in Swinging London and was described as “a picture about perception and ambiguity.” Terry O’Neill’s on-set photographs of actor David Hemmings serves as the inspiration for this exhibition, which concentrates on intimate portraits of icons from John Lennon to Audrey Hepburn, Muhammad Ali to Brigitte Bardot, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe and everyone in-between.

‘BLOW-UP’ celebrates photography post-lockdown. After countless virtual encounters, viewers of the exhibition can place themselves in the up-close and personal perspectives of an impressive range of photographers with some of their most notable, collectable, and iconic images.

Photographers highlighted in the exhibition include: Terry O’Neill, Norman Parkinson, Douglas Kirkland, Kevin Cummins, Ed Caraeff, Michael Brennan, Eva Sereny, Lawrence Fried, Janet Macoska, Baron Wolman, Greg Brennan, Michael Ward and David Nutter.

Highlighted in the exhibition will be signed prints by not only the late photographer Terry O’Neill, CBE, but also Baron Wolman, Rolling Stone magazine’s first photographer, who passed away last month.


Iconic Images Gallery

13A Park Walk

Chelsea, SW10 0AJ

The Iconic Images Gallery practices social distancing, masks are mandatory, and hand-sanitizer available upon entry. The gallery adheres to all COVID-19 guidelines to make sure your visit is a safe one.

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