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Hin Lung Heoy


Delete the Classic

As a student majoring in photography, I have seen and understood many classic works of photography masters in the process of learning. I can’t help but wonder: What exactly are we looking at when we’re looking at a classic? The context of the time in which images are shot and published cannot be copied, and when these specific additional factors are separated and appear in a new context, the new context will add more meaning to these classic video works. Therefore, when images appear in different contexts, the meaning turns into the environment and form.
My project separates photography from various contexts and serves as an inquiry to existence. When things are stripped of their specific forms, reorganized or divided, how can the relationship between spirit and body be discussed? Nowadays, the study and understanding of classic photographic works are more based on the critics’ additional comments and meanings on classic photographic works.
Each image in my project is divided into two parts. The left part is the picture formed after the segmentation and reorganization of classic photography works, and the right part is the evaluation of these classic works on the Chinese website, that is, the additional significance of these classic works for later generations.
I separate the classic works from the context, explore the relationship between photography and context, photography and text, and let us rethink what we are looking at when we look at the classic works.

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