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High Museum of Art : A Long Arc : Photography and the American South since 1845


As the first major survey of Southern photography in twenty-five years, this exhibition will examine that complicated history and reveal the American South’s critical impact on the evolution of the medium, posing timely questions about American culture and character.

Featuring many works from the High Museum of Art’s extensive collection, A Long Arc will include photographs of the American Civil War, which transformed the practice of photography across the nation and established visual codes for articulating national identity and expressing collective trauma. Photographs from the 1930s to the 1950s, featuring many created for the Farm Security Administration, will demonstrate how that era defined a new kind of documentary aesthetic that dominated American photography for decades and included jarring and unsettling pictures that exposed economic and racial disparities. With works drawn from the High’s unparalleled collection of civil rights–era photography, the exhibition will show how photographs of the movement in the decade that followed galvanized the nation with raw depictions of violence and the struggle for justice. Contemporary photography featured in the exhibition will demonstrate how photographers working today continue to explore Southern history and themes to grasp American identity.


A Long Arc : Photography and the American South since 1845
September 15, 2023 –J anuary 14, 2024
High Museum of Art
1280 Peachtree Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

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