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Georgia Russell: Difference & Repetition


The Karsten Greve Gallery presents its first private showing of a young Scottish artist, Georgia Russell (born in 1974), which includes a collection of works that have been conceived especially for this occasion.

The artist has focused especially on the concept of repetition and the energy this creates. Distancing herself from figuration and coloration, she emphasizes shape and quick, lively gestures, like those found in abstract expressionism.

Russell gives a new identity to the objects she uses, most often old books, musical scores and photographs. She senses a certain rhythm and energy, a rich but difficult to perceive life, in the sequence of the notes played or letters read and in the observation of the paper used, touched, leafed through, and folded. She wants to make this kind of impulse for information and time passed apprehensible, exploring the anatomy of the found objects like a doctor with the nervous systems or veins, exposing them by continuous gestures of the medical scalpel, creating flamboyant networks and tactile surfaces.

Georgia Russell studied Fine Arts at the University of Aberdeen and then at the Royal College of Art in London where she obtained a Master of Arts in printmaking. Having become a Parisian by adoption since she was awarded a study bursary by the Royal College of Art in 1999, she lives and works today in Paris.

Georgia Russell: Difference and Repetition
Until November 12, 2011

Galerie Karsten Greve
5, rue Debelleyme
75003 Paris
T. + 33 1 42771937
[email protected]

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