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Gallimard : Paolo Roversi & Emanuele Coccia : Lettres sur la lumière


Gallimard publishes Lettres sur la lumière (Letters on light) by Paolo Roversi and Emanuele Coccia.

Paolo Roversi (born in 1947), is one of the most famous fashion photographers – but also a remarkable portraitist and Emanuele Coccia (born in 1976), philosopher, thinker of eternal transformation, keen on fashion and the morals of our era, chose the epistolary genre to deliver their thoughts to us. This correspondence revolves around light, taking as a starting point the photographer’s observations, sometimes technical and always poetic, to which the philosopher responds by expanding into the broader field offered by the philosophy. Over the course of twelve exchanges, punctuated by emblematic photographs by Paolo Roversi, the authors reveal themselves, as two unique personalities.

The letters were written between 2020 and June 2023.

The book is richly illustrated with emblematic photographs by Paolo Roversi.

A text by Erri De Luca mentions his friendship for Paolo Roversi. He talks about his modesty and his talent. He talks about the beauty of the models he has worked with all his life and the talent with which he has recreated the beauty of these models. And naturally he talks about light.

Book published with the support of the Fondation d’entreprise La Poste.


Emanuele Coccia , Paolo Roversi : Lettres sur la lumière
Livres d’Art, Gallimard
With a text by Erri De Luca
Foreword by Chiara Bardelli-Nonino
168 pages
170 x 240mm
ISBN: 9782073054357
Gencode: 9782073054357

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