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Galerie Le lieu-Lorient : Stéphane Mahé : Mood


Stéphane Mahé is exhibiting his latest Mood series at the Galerie Le Lieu-Lorient until March 12th. He presents it with these words.

When the real becomes surreal… open the door on this dirt road… set yourself in motion guided by instinct, in search of emotions… in search of these precious, non-repetitive moments, that are unique and brief! fleeting! These moments of full and complete availability to what surrounds me, almost of harmony, defined as my photographic moments!

Stéphane Mahé


Stéphane Mahé: Mood
Until March 12, 2023
Le Lieu de la Photographie
Hôtel Gabriel – Aile Est Enclos du Port
56100 Lorient

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