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Gaël Bonnefon – Elegy for the Mundane


Gael Bonnefon, has an experimental audacity that serve a vision marked by the fall, the tragic, and the dazzling of the world.

For him reality presents itself as an incessant series of erasures and metamorphoses, giving a doubt about the nature of any presence.

The images of Gaël Bonnefon are therefore altered, ghostly, ambiguous. A tension is created between the outside spaces and the territories of the interiority. The rock almost wild treatment of the analog film acts on the spectator as an invitation to lose his certainties, and establish another report on his environment, intense, adventurous.

Looking for appearances, Gaël Bonnefon says, the attention with which he looks at the most banal, will bring the most unexpected. Governed by a tragic vision, he reformulate, increase, start again works that he began more than ten years ago, that explore the interstices, between visible and invisible.

A work that evolves over the years but whose writing retains the same coherence: here, landscapes (waterfalls, forests or large desert expanses …) vibrate with the same strength and intensity as the scenes or portraits of people tired, exhausted but alive.

Elegy for the Mundane is a choice in the corpus daily harvested during this last decade by the artist. From its iconic images that made him known to those recently produced through cinematographic captures in still shots opening to other emotions, this set gives to see images without taking into account the chronology or the context of the shot. Weaving the threads of an approach questioning as much the medium as the relation to the real, it reveals the personality of an author and the poetic intensity of his visual writing.



Gael Bonnefon – Elegy for the Mundane
from September 12 to November 3, 2019
Le Château d’Eau 1
Place Laganne
31300 Toulouse

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