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Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof : Humberto Tan : Tomorrow will be better


Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht presents an exhibition by Dutch photographer Humberto Tan until 17 March 2024. With “Tomorrow will be better”, the museum shows an selection of close-up portraits of 100-year-olds and photos of their hands and interior. The nostalgic black and white photography is accompanied by inspiring, explanatory interviews.

For over three years, Humberto Tan traveled across the country to photograph more than a hundred people aged 100 and older. During the subsequent conversations, the photographer asked them four of the same questions of life about their happiness, fears, life lessons, and dreams for the future. He also asked for a health tip.

The result is a collection of photographs and interviews, which are sometimes piercing, emotional, cheerful or sad. And mostly they are all of those at the same time. It shows an intriguing time image of the past century, and provides surprisingly mixed insights thanks to in total ten thousand years of life experience. The triptychs and interviews have been bundled in a stylish, 408-page coffee table book ‘Morgen gaat het beter’.

Humberto Tan believes in the power of the elderly, and has been fascinated by this group for years.


Humberto Tan : Tomorrow will be better
until 17 March 2024
Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof
Vrijthof 18,
6211 LD Maastricht, Netherlands

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