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Festival de Delhi –Kannagi Khanna


Kannagi Khanna went to the Hollywood slum of Ahmedabad to photograph the inhabitants. With much humor and tenderness she asked them to pose, the same way Hollywood actresses did whose pictures she hung behind them.

We find an Angelina Joli-Krupaken surrounded by her 3 children, a shameless Audrey Hepburn-Karunaben a grass weed in her mouth as if holding a cigarette holder, an antipathetic Anne Hathaway that an indian model turn into a smiling young woman.

Surprising short cuts between two worlds that every thing oppose and we find the indian models bursting the screen with the intensiveness of their presence.

Kannagi Khanna was born 1989 in India, she was assistant to Raghu Rai. Hollywood is exhibited for the first time.

Sybile Girault

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