femmesPHOTOgraphes approach this deconfinement with a new magazine on the theme FAIRE CORPS. Here is their introductory text:
After almost a year and a half of physical distancing, and restrictions of all kinds, a year and a half during which our struggles for our freedoms to exist and to speak have taken on even more importance, it seemed necessary to us to talk about our bodies, living bodies, various, in love, controlled, harassed, our proud bodies …
There are the issues of representation of course, but also the complex relationships we have with our own bodies in the face of societal injunctions as well as with ourselves.
There is a need to show yourself, to recognize yourself through the eyes of others. For a meeting of the bodies to take place and for the body to no longer be alone in “seeing itself”, it is essential to make it visible, for yourself and for others. This is the reason why this number 10 will be followed by an number 11 focused on the meeting of bodies and sexuality.