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Fabio Tasca –A Journey into Puglia


You may sometimes feel a sort of estrangement and disorientation when you wander the streets of Puglia, the “heel of Italy’s boot”. Massive and shiny travertine façades of grand Romanic cathedrals along a palm tree seaside cohabit with dismal minimal semi-detached buildings, which are, respectively, the product of a secular skilled mastery and a deep-rooted property speculation. In this atmosphere of apparent peaceful coexistence, the light appears to be an impartial judge, it does not seem to make any difference, any discrimination.

My entire work is often focused on the contradictions of the Italian landscape, with its discrepancies, stereotypes and varieties. This sequence was taken by a SX-70 Polaroid land camera loaded with Impossible Project films.

Fabio Tasca lives and works in Como (Italy)

Weekend portfolio selected by Diane Dufour

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