Exhibiting artists: Mollu Heino, Saara-Maria Kariranta & Jarmo Ilmari Somppi http://ama.fi…
Premium Agendas
Fondazione Sozzani presents two exhibitions photographer Guy Bourdin, In Between and Untouched, a selection of photographs from the 50s and 60s curated by Shelly Verthime. Considered one of the […]…
This year – for the first time – Foam presents the exhibition Foam Talent in Amsterdam. The show features 20 international artists whose work […]…
Throughout a career spanning over fifty years, Lyon took countless photographs documenting social reality and bearing unmistakable witness to the political battles of half […]…
Photography has the ability to tell stories about the world. Capturing a momentary gesture in a fraction of a second or the tenor of light on a landscape, a photograph…
Magnum Photos Tokyo and the Leica Store Kyoto are organising a workshop in Kyoto with Magnum photographer Matt Stuart. It will take place from […]…
Suite au succès rencontré lors des trois premières éditions, La Chambre et la Maison européenne de l'architecture - Rhin supérieur organisent la quatrième édition d'Archifoto, international awards of architectural photography. Archifoto…