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Images birmanes

The institution has pulled from its collections a hundred photographs of Burma from the second half of the nineteenth century. This is a charming […]…

Robert Gessain, Expédition polaire (1934-1935)

Professor at the National Museum of Natural History and former director of the Musée de l’Homme (both in Paris), Robert Gessain (1907-1986) was a […]…

Sabine Weiss

For many decades, Sabine Weiss has created a complex lifework. The photographer is associated with the so-called “école humaniste” with Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis, […]…

Zhuang Hui, A Shadowless Place

As a result of his roots in the Chinese society, Zhang Hui’s work focused on social issues very early on. One and Thirty, Group […]…

Zhang Haier, Girls

Zhang Haier, who got international acclaim in the 1980s, is an important representative of modern Chinese photography. When his work entitled Girls first made […]…

Corentin Fohlen, Lardon the 1st

To celebrate Christmas, publishing house Photopaper editions released a funny and endearing book by French reporter Corentin Fohlen titled, Lardon the 1st (Small Paper collection). […]…

Jitka Hanzlová, Forest and Flowers

La galerie Yancey Richardson a le plaisir de présenter une exposition personnelle de Jitka Hanzlová, réunissant deux séries de l’artiste tchèque : Forest (2000-2005) et […]…

n°3 la revue femmesPHOTOgraphes

Based on the observation that women artists representation remains too limited and equal to the place reserved to them in society in general, the […]…

Lieko Shiga, Blind Date

Blind Date by Lieko Shiga starts with a gaze: a black-and-white shot of a young woman who leans forward against the back of a […]…

Colette Pourroy, Ève reincarnated

There is something in this photographic series by Colette Pourroy that resembles a declaration of sisterly love, expressed along with the desire to revisit […]…


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