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Premium Agendas

Dilan D’Agata

For the first time in Spain, MONDO GALERIA, Madrid presents the works by Dilan D'Agata from April 21 to May 30, 2018. Free of connotations and threshed discourses, the young…

Henrik Saxgren, Ultima Thulé

For many years Greenland has been a source of inspiration for the great Danish photographer Henrik Saxgren. The photos were taken during seven trips […]…


The Griffin Museum of Photography presents from April 12 to June 9, 2018 "Art·tri·bu·tion", a group show with works by Tami Bahat, Mark Chen & Shiao-Nan Chen, Niki Grangruth &…

International Call for Entries – Young Portfolio Acquisitions

Young Portfolio is a program organized by the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (K*MoPA) to support young photographers from around the world by exhibiting […]…

Messages / Visual Platform

The exhibition "Messages / Visual Platform" was curated by SUNY Buffalo State graduate students in the museum studies course, MST 622 “Researching and Presenting Museum Collections.” They include: David Banchich,…

Guillermo Cervera, Flow

Anastasia Photo is pleased to present Flow, Guillermo Cervera’s second exhibition with the gallery. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes Flow as “a state in which people […]…

Leonardo Pucci

The Robin Rice Gallery is pleased to present from March 21 to May 6, 2018 "episodes (without a real order)", the first solo photographic exhibition by Italien photographer Leonardo Pucci.…


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