L’Œil (The Eye) is the last and final delivery of “L’encyclopédie essentielle”, a prestigious collection that the publisher Robert Delpire, who died in the fall of 2017, created in the late 1950s and declined throughout an editorial journey considered one of the most important and innovative of the twentieth century. L’Œil is also the fruit of the meeting and the friendship that developed between the publisher and the writer/playwright Wajdi Mouawad.
From 18th century anatomy plates (Jean-Jacques Lequeu) to the most contemporary creations (Giuseppe Penone), the eye has never ceased to fascinate artists. Georges Méliès, from his first films, adorned the moon, and the photographers (Mimmo Jodice, Erwin Blumenfeld, Sarah Moon), first and eminent practitioners of the complex devices of the vision, always represented in a kind of hypnotic tribute this organ which is also their first “tool” …
For more information: https://www.actes-sud.fr/catalogue/photographie/loeil
November 19, 2018 to December 19, 2018