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Evelyne Peten


Under the Sea

Having started out as a mountain, landscape and wildlife photographer, and traipsing about with all the heavy and cumbersome equipment that it entails, I recently discovered snorkelling in the warm and crystal clear turquoise waters of the Cyclades. Water is my new subject of choice, and the equipment therefore had to change. It is not high-tech. The versatile GoPro replaced all the heavy stuff, with the occasional addition of a Sealife case for the iPhone.
Soothed by the sound of my own rhythmic breathing, I am transported in another world, of silence and serenity, a world below the surface, invisible to many. Exploring the coastline, rocks form archaic landscapes, which are at times disturbed by a marine animal. The light is constantly playing with different hues of blue, yellow and green. Time becomes irrelevant and a sensation of total relaxation and peace sweeps over me. This is what I try to convey in these photos.

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