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Estelle Lagarde :–La dépression ouvrière


Fiction is at the heart of Estelle Lagarde’s work. Since 1996, she has used mis-en-scène . She takes reality as a starting point to lead us into an absurd and incongruous dream world. From Dame des Songes and Contes Sauvages to Hôpital and Maison d’Arrêt, she uses this strange and dreamlike realm to reflect on our own world.

Her new series, Lundi matin, was shot in an abandoned car garage. The walls of this once very active place have been given over to taggers and graffiti artists, and the ground is slowly overtaken by decaying plants.

Lagarde chose this setting to evoke in her own way the ongoing economic crisis. Each image is a symbol of the torments felt by our society as a whole, even the most banal of them. As the saying goes, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. And for each of these photographs, a word will suffice: “occupation,” “solidarity,” “resignation,” “imprisonment,” “strike,” “solitude,” “unemployment”…

Estelle Lagarde is based in Paris. She is represented by the agency Révalateur.

Read the full text of this article on the French version of Le Journal.

Estelle Lagarde – Lundi matin
In part of Mois de la Photo-OFF
From November 6th to December 6th 2012
Galerie Lefor Openo
29 rue Mazarine
75006 Paris – France

From December 10th, 2012 to April 11th, 2013
Atelier Publimod
26 Rue de Sévigné
75004 Paris – France

From May 1st to June 2nd, 2013
La Galerie Mathilde Hatzenberger
Hoogstraat 11 Rue Haute
1000 Brussels – Belgium

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