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Éditions lamaindonne : Martin Bogren : Passenger


A major figure in contemporary Swedish photography, Martin Bogren develops a work in which the personal and poetical dimension asserts itself with a practice of photography that is a form of initiatory journey. In Passenger, even though the photographs were taken in India during several stays in Calcutta, it should not be seen as an Indian chronicle.

This is quite another thing, a form of wandering, which is not limited to a geographical journey, a test of distance or a confrontation with an environment and an unknown culture, a change of scenery.

The photographer delivers a set where pierces a form of abandonment, of letting go that he translates with harsh or dreamlike images. His photographs emerge as subjective visions that reveal ambivalences, angelic or monstrous figures, lightness and violence. For the first time, he incorporates color into his work, which he alternates with great consistency to his black and white approach. As a way of developing a language that allows him to experience the world and selfhood. ”

Caroline Bénichou


Martin Bogren is represented by Galerie VU ’.


Martin Bogren : Passenger

Éditions lamaindonne

20 x 26.2 cm

92 pages

50 color and two-color photographs

Cover printed on canvas with hot stamping



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