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Duncan Miller Gallery : F.C. Leroux


Until September 21, the Duncan Miller Gallery in Los Angeles is exhibiting a totally unknown French photographer: F.C. Leroux. The gallery presents him like this:

We recently acquired a remarkable archive of photographs from a Parisian man named F.C. Leroux, a prolific photographer in the 1940s and 1950s in Paris. He photographed for his interests and is entirely unknown. When he died in the 1980s, he left his archive of some 700 prints to an aging friend, and we happened to discover the work.

Leroux documented Paris in a methodical and thorough manner, much like Eugene Atget. Unlike Atget, Leroux was also interested in people and photographed a good deal of humanist work, echoing the Parisian street photographers of the time (Doisneau, Boubat, Cartier-Bresson, etc.). He made his own prints and several ambitious hand-bound single-copy books using silver prints.


Duncan Miller Gallery
10959 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
[email protected]

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