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Dolby Chadwick Gallery : Éric Antoine : Abodes


Until April 27, the Dolby Chadwick Gallery in San Francisco is exhibiting Éric Antoine. The exhibition entitled Abodes is presented as follows:

The show’s titular series Abodes speaks to how inextricably linked Antoine’s work is to his home and memories. Different configurations of numbered boxes represent the artist’s past residences, which begin and end in the secluded forest of France’s Alsace region. Within the expansive wooded landscape, Antoine developed his intense fascination for trees, documenting their lives through his anthropomorphic “tree portraits.” Continuously returning to the same arboreal sitters, Antoine’s images illustrate the passage of time.

Much attention has been brought to Antoine’s use of the archaic wet collodion process, one of the earliest forms of photography. However, his images are far from nostalgic: “I don’t use the medium because it’s something old. I use it because it’s the sharpest, most organic material process. What’s important to me is the deep black and shimmering silver.”


Éric Antoine : Abodes
Until April 27, 2024
Dolby Chadwick Gallery
210 Post Street, Suite 205
San Francisco, CA 94108

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