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Dewi Lewis Publishing : Sara et Jacob Aue Sobol : Hunting Heart


The title of the book is Hunting Heart. It is signed by Sara and Jacob Aue Sobol. They present it like this:

We meet through photography. We look at each other as we look at the world. We feel the longing and the need for presence. Being close to another human being, we can reflect ourselves. Out of love, a home grows. A family. We are bound to each other forever. We are both hunting hearts in a constant search for presence, believing that despite a world in chaos, there is a place where we can love in peace.

Sara & Jacob Aue Sobol


Sara et Jacob Aue Sobol : Hunting Heart
Special edition box
Signed and Numbered
100mm x 150mm, 272 pages
46 tritone and colour photos
ISBN: 978-1-907893-95-5

English edition 300 copies (Dewi Lewis Publishing) / French edition 150 copies (Polka Gallery) / Danish edition 150 copies (Sobol Books)

Dewi Lewis Publishing

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