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Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation : HfG Rundgang Award 2024 : Haben Ghebregziabher


The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation confered the HfG Rundgang Award 2024 to Haben Ghebregziabher for her project “Heim, Heimat, Pfade – was verbindet?”. The prize is given annually to students at the University of Art and Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung, HfG) in Offenbach/Main who engage with the medium of photography. As part of its commitment to supporting young contemporary artists, the Foundation has been awarding the €3,000 prize annually since 2010.


Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation gGmbH
Börsenplatz 4
60313 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49 69-2 11-1 70 14

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