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Damiani : Joan Liftin : Water for Tears


It’s one of the most touching emails of the week.

It is from the photographer Joan Liftin, who was the companion of Charles Harbutt :

Dear Editors,

I am submitting a portfolio from my book, Water for Tears, published by Damiani in Fall, 2018 for your consideration.

There is a blurb on the back cover by Sylvia Plachy that, if you are interested in the work, could run as text with it.

“The book is about family and trips, about running away

and coming back, and mostly. about pleasure in the newness of

everyday life. Her observations are mysterious, sensuous,

and often very funny.

 “At the heart of the book is a tender farewell to her life with

photographer Charles Harbutt. There are few captions or

dates, but you know where you are — you are with Joan.”

Sylvia Plachy


Water for Tears by Joan Liftin is published by Damiani


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