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CRP : The Bias of Things


CRP/ Hauts-de-France Regional Photography Center presents Le Parti pris des choses.

When Francis Ponge published Le Parti pris des choses in 1942, the war was global and terrible. While bombs rain down from the skies on the European continent, the poet began to scrutinize the ordinary objects of his daily sphere. Prose poems dedicated to the crate, to the bread or even to the candle follow one another in this Parti pris des choses which has become a literary monument. “It is by starting from the bottom,” explains the author, “that we have some chance of rising. (…) It’s a one-on-one game, with the effect of losing your mind. » To tell the truth, what the author of Le Savon et de La Crevette in all its states takes seriously, this thing, the object of all his attention, that he will pursue throughout his life, is language. In the workshop, between the walls of their workshop, the artists gathered here take as objects spoons, potatoes, toothbrushes even the essential cell phone: all conveniently banal things. In their company, the artists undertake to “disenfranchise” their medium, whether photography or video.

“Nothing is more joyful,” declared the poet, “than the constant insurgency of things against the images that are imposed on them. Things do not accept to remain as wise as images. » The artist, like the writer, has this recurring waking dream: he chooses an object, approaches it, walks around it; yet it fails to represent the portrayed object which escapes, or even revolts. Stubborn, he returns to resume his dialogue with the thing. The exhibition depicts these secret conversations. Whether solemn or absurd, ascetic or flowing, they all express the tenacious desire of each person to find their way of being in the world.

Raphaëlle Stopin


Artists featured: Stefano Bianchi, Anna & Bernhard Blume, Ulla von Brandenburg, Thorsten Brinkmann, Robert Cumming, Elspeth Diederix, Alina Maria Frieske, Barbara Iweins, Baptiste Rabichon, Augustin Rebetez, Patrick Tosani.


Le Parti pris des choses
from January 27, 2024 to May 19, 2024
CRP/ Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France à Douchy-les-Mines.
Place des Nations
59282 Douchy-les-Mines – France

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