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Usimages 2021 : Contingency Plans – Mattia Basamini


As Italy shut down “all non-essential production activity except essential supply chains” on March 22, 2020, many companies responded with resourcefulness and solidarity, making themselves available to help. reinvent and support the common effort.

Mattia Balsamini found these companies, which across Italy have quickly converted or adapted their production lines to respond to the Covid-19 epidemic.

“Contingency plans” is a photographic report supported by, a permanent archive of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the lives of people around the world.

Documenting the reality of “Made in Italy” at the time of Covid-19, Mattia Balsamini opens the doors of these companies, large firms (including Prada and Bulgari) and small laboratories, which have turned their organizations upside down to cope with the emergency, and who have been able to reconvert their manufacturing processes thanks to the unprecedented collaboration of civil and military engineers.

It is also a testament to the commitment of many volunteers who have accepted the risk of supporting closed factories to create disinfectant gels, masks, protective visors, oxygen cylinders and respirators.

These are all stories of a country hard hit by the pandemic, which in order to cope has continued to produce.

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