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Conakry Photo Club : Conakry vibrates with CAN 2023*!


This is the lovely email of the week. It is sent to us by Alain Licari.

Thank you for your interest in this Conakry Photo Club project.

In January 2024, I created the first Photo Club in Guinea with the support of the Franco-Guinean Cultural Center. A collective of 14 Guinean photographers was then born!

There are many photographers in Guinea but no structures oriented towards artistic photography. This explains why there is no national and even less international visibility for Guinean photographers. I have lived in Conakry for 4 years and I had the idea of ​​starting this group a few months ago. With the means at hand (very little, in fact), and with the support of the Lycée français Albert Camus (Conakry), I organized this exhibition. This is a first! For the group’s photographers, this is in fact the first time they have exhibited. They are happy (and that’s saying something). And if they also see that their work is published in a French magazine!… You can hardly imagine the pleasure you give them. I therefore thank you on their behalf for the support you give them by publishing some of the pictures for this exhibition.

Alain Licari


The Conakry Photo Club announces its first exhibition: “Conakry vibrates with CAN 2023*!”
It is now visible on the walls of the Albert Camus high school (Conakry) which supports this exhibition.

*CAN: African Cup of Nations

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