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Cinémathèque française : Viva Varda !


The Viva Varda! exhibition opened its doors on October 11 at the Cinémathèque française.

“I don’t want to show, but give the yearning to see.” – Agnès Varda

Photographer, filmmaker and visual artist, Agnès Varda has developed a personal work fundamentally anchored in time over 70 years. A precursor of the New Wave, she is one of the rare women of her generation to have made a career as a director. Her filmography includes more than forty short and feature films navigating between fiction and documentary, including the essential Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962), Sans toi ni loi (1985) and Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (2000). A globetrotter and artist of conviction, Varda also showed great attention to social upheavals. Interspersed with photographs, costumes, archives and installations, the exhibition will show how her polymorphous works, crossed by the themes of feminism, ecology and marginality, are very relevant today.


Viva Varda !
From October 11, 2023 to January 28, 2024
Cinémathèque française
51 Rue de Bercy
75012 Paris, France

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