After 14 years and 78,000 miles my car—a green Volkswagen Beetle—is still cute despite worn seats and pitted exterior. I don’t blame her for breaking down once in a while. Really, I don’t. You see, I’m a sentimental person. We have bonded and mostly I like to think of her as vintage rather than old. It makes me feel better about our relationship.
Over the years, many mechanics have serviced the car. Kal, our current mechanic, has a way of giving me bad news without making me feel bad. His manner and his expertise inspired me to create the pictures
featured in Wizard. Kal is a lot like the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz story and I am perhaps a bit like Dorothy in the story. I bring my broken down car for repair and he fixes the car and sends us on our way. Dorothy, of course, sends herself home with the Ruby Slippers and eventually I will find my way to a new car. But for now I am thankful the Wizard is here keeping my car and me together.
Kal allowed me to photograph his shop during working hours, giving me access to premises, people, and auto parts. This book is a portrait of Kal’s car repair shop loosely based on the Wizard of Oz story enhanced with my own creative inspirations.
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