Christian spirituality
Virgin Mary, you are here forever, simply because you are Mary, simply because you exist. Mother of Jesus Christ, be thanked. This is the Christian faith that moves pilgrims from all over the world to Lourdes and its grotto where, one day in February 1858, Bernadette Soubirous appeared in the hollow of the rock the “beautiful lady” to whom she asked her name, and who answered her. “Que soy era Immaculada Councepciou (I am the Immaculate Conception)”.
With this reportage in Lourdes which is a journey to the heart of the Christian faith and miraculous healings, I wanted to understand and show why the Virgin Mary seems – often more than Christ – to move crowds with a Christian vocation. Few Catholics do not have a closeness in one way or another with Mary. Entrust her with our doubts, our most secret desires, so that she can present them to her son Jesus Christ?
Certainly, but the sanctuary of Lourdes, according to the Church, is a land of religious miracles, of healings unexplained by science: in short, a Court of Miracles. But Marie, in her messages to Bernadette, would never have spoken of illness or healing. It is the popular faith which, seeing a new source arise, had the excellent idea for the city, to drink it and heal the wounds. Because, during one of Mary’s apparitions, Bernadette dug the ground to get water, water that quickly became miraculous. But faith has its miracles: “Whatever you ask in faith through prayer, you will receive!” (Matthew 21-22).
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