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Antoine d’Agata

"For a long time, this distinction between day and night was an unconscious one. Because I am represented by a photography agency (Magnum) I sometimes find myself in the position…

Nadav Kander

« Revealed yet concealed. Shameless yet shameful. Ease and unease. Beauty and destruction. These paradoxes are displayed in all my work; an inquiry into what it feels like to be…

Ralph Gibson–Un maître du nu

This month Taschen is publishing a new book by the American photographer Ralph Gibson featuring some of his best nudes. Deftly composed and subtly provocative, these dreamlike and abstract photographs…

Yan Morvan : –Gangs Story

Yan Morvan is a great photographer. The only problem is that’s he’s unbearable. But behind his endless outrages and provocations lies an unusually cultured man, a genuine tenderness, and the…


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