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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Alla Mirovskaya

The point of reference for this work was Kasimir Malevich’s Black Square. I believe that in special cases, when you need to talk about something exceeding your ability to comprehend the…

Laure Samama

What budding archaeologists we wanted so passionately in the sand? What chimeras? What remains an already faltering memory, which costs memories? What objects that we have miraculously delivered what secret?…

Wayne Quilliam

Aboriginal artist Wayne Quilliam’s atmospheric photography challenges the disconnect of human spirit from physical the form. Quilliam’s translucent 'Lowanna' (beautiful woman) series metamphorises the concept of body and earth then investigates…

Nelson Morales

I have several years photographing sexual diversity in different cultures and expressions, mainly to muxe community on the Isthmus of Oaxaca. In my gay condition, I never wanted to be…

Tatiana Ilina

My name is Tatiana Ilina. I’m a photographer since 10 years now, this is my work, my passion and my life. Everyday, it gives me an opportunity to discover the world.…

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world to show case their photographs.…

Ravindra Kumar Tanwar

Holi, our most colourful festival, Starts around a month before its actual time at Village Barsana and Nandgaon, near Mathura... Its really wonderful and Mesmerizing to be a Part of…

Cyril Delettre

The train is running so fast. We check our electronic devices, music, text messages, movies… We unpload them and we already reached the destination. The world outside is almost unseen…


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