In 2016, I directed the “Humans” series for the Wazemmes Arts Center. The series was created on the beach of Cap Blanc Nez. The […]…
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The images in the Rapture Series are a metaphor for the transition between life and death. Many images depict the metamorphosis that takes place […]…
In ancient Greek, Ark refers to the etymology of words such as chest, citadel … It expresses a limit, a tension between the inside […]…
I worked in the perfume industry for a number of years. I begin photographing plants and flowers to illustrate their olfactive personalities. And then […]…
Bad Egg is a series of images I collect the last years thru my repetitive visits to an old nitrogen fertilizers factory outside Ptolemaida, […]…
Fascinating by its extent, the sea is a unique place. Each coast has a bit of its own sea. Each sea, as if it […]…
Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…
Set within an unknown time, The Lost Boys series presents an undercurrent of tension in a seemingly unruly world that is juxtaposed with signs […]…
We believe that the landscape is important for our well-being: we look for places whose view gives the sense of harmony, vivacity or singularity […]…
We stayed at the Zürcher’s for about three weeks. The first days were all about discovering their universe: just beside the road, hidden from the view, […]…