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PhotographyPortfolios of readers

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates its edition to the portfolios of its readers. This section is our online gallery for photographers presenting their work. You will find here a selection of the best portfolios. This is an opportunity for photographers around the world to broadcast their work and share their vision.

Patrick Wolff

An ordinary day of hunting with the MATIS in the 21st century : Men – Jaguars The journey up the Amazon, from Manaus, towards the […]…

Anna Esposito

Fragility Road Steps of Melancholy I travelled between space and time, between touch and smell, between sight and hearing. Everything was open, closed in […]…

Jean-Marc Remise

Skies of Highlands The Scottish Highlands offer an unforgettable experience for those who want to take the time to immerse themselves in them. Many […]…

Cristina Paveri

Quotidiano animale I photographed these animals in their natural habitat, wild and domestic animals, to represent their ordinary beauty by detaching myself from the […]…

Ira Wind

Beauty of the moment I love privacy. In this series of photographs I wanted to show female beauty at the moment of immersion in […]…

Milko Dolinsek

No Photo This “No Photo” portfolio deals with the balancing act between legal and practical aspects of nonconsensual photography. Photographing subjects unwittingly or without […]…

Peter Ydeen

Commuter Motions Traveling from the industrial town of Easton, Pennsylvania, through sparsely populated western New Jersey, and into the cacophony of New York City, […]…


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