“Grown-Syncope-Epiphany” The three series Grown, Syncope and Epiphany examine individual stages of human reflection. Grown primarily deals with the border between childhood and adulthood and raises the question of what becomes […]…
PhotographyPortfolios of readers
Urban-Graphis 062 – Paris Ink Painting Series Entering the world of Wing Chan’s Urban-Graphis is a unique experience. The images in swirling black and […]…
Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…
Confinement was a good time for creation. Many were creative, original and unusual. People sang, wrote, played, drew. I spent those few weeks sorting […]…
The Muse The relationship between an artist and his muse has long been a source of fascination for both painters and photographers. These Lith […]…
Philippe Claverin, artist photographer, curious by nature and worshipper of silence. Passionate about the works built by man, used and then being abandoned. It […]…
Metropolis I have been practicing pinhole photography for more than 20 years, during which my work has mainly been focused on aquatic landscapes, seas, […]…
Gérouville – Village de Gaume Started in 2004 to celebrate 750 years of the village, I had to put this photographic work back on […]…
In the mornings I am a self-taught photographer who lives and works in Bordeaux. I only work on analog media and photograph what surrounds […]…
In the fog Strange, wandering in the fog! It’s just every bush and every stone, nor the trees can be seen between them, everyone […]…