On a recent trip to Tokyo, Japan for an opening of her “Mothers & Daughters” show at TokyoArtsGallery in Shibuya-ku, Julia Fullerton-Batten spent all her free time shooting. On a…
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The 21st floor of the Standard East Village has 360-degree views of the streets, sidewalks, and rooftops of New York. With an espresso in hand, Andrea Albertini, president of Damiani…
A woman, in an abandoned house ,the rooms have blue paint peeling off the walls. Overcome by her doubts and fears, she wanders through the house where every…
Au fil de l'ombre is a jorney through dreams and shadows. Jean-Luc Weber presents special moments gleaned here and there while traveling during the course of the past forty years.…
These are samples from my new series Concrete Timewarp. It is through the lense of my camera that I take a reality and make it my own. This is simply…
The past three decades of war and chaos have had a devastating impact on Afghanistan and it’s people. 11 years after the defeat of the Taliban regime and the following…
Founded as a non-profit in 2007 by a group in Santa Fe, NM (including David Chickey, Darius Himes and David Skolkin), Radius Books is dedicated to the art of book…
We have been to the land of milk and honey and it is in southern Ethiopia, former Abyssinia. A generation ago many of the tribes in the Omo River region…
Adventure's with Patty is a series I worked on from May 2012 until mid November 2012. It began as many of my photo projects do. When I met Patty, I…
Danica O. Kus has been photographing the unique buildings of legendary Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer who passed away in December last year. He was the last architect of the modernist…