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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Jean-Marie Grall

Brest, trade and military port, industrial city side of the world shaved 90% during WWII and rebuilt in a hurry is a character in […]…

Roberto Pireddu

Poetto is the town beach of Cagliari, the largest and most populous urban centre of Sardinia. This beach has always been the flagship of […]…

Justine Tjallinks

Nude: She finds herself navigating a world that is full of challenges and prejudice to overcome. Living with albinism not only means an absence […]…

Alexandros Lambrovassilis

“Ellinikon” is an ongoing project. A documentation of the current state of the former international airport of Athens, known colloquially as “Ellinikon”, (meaning “of […]…

Martin Gros

The Korowais is an ancient culture society which live in the trees of a forest thatprotects and nourishes. Discovered in 1974, the semi-nomadic tribe […]…

Send us your Portfolios

Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…

Barbara Alper

It’s a blast, “The Invasion” that happens every July 4 on Fire Island in The Pines, and I love photographing it. The event is […]…

Batsceba Hardy

“I’m a bit claustrophobic, I know that now.” David Hockney Concept Photographies as fractions of thinking Technic Frames Colour The colour is obtained exclusively […]…

Dina Goldstein

There are several beaches that can be enjoyed throughout East, West, North, South Vancouver and its outer areas. They don’t look like any other beaches […]…


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