I love to travel and dream about sailing from place to place. Views of the ocean give me fairytale visions where boats are playing a […]…

I love to travel and dream about sailing from place to place. Views of the ocean give me fairytale visions where boats are playing a […]…
Train journeys are conducive to daydreaming. Every morning, I go to work and my train passes on the railway bridge that spans the autonomous […]…
I’m a Fine Art Photographer that focuses on surrealism inspired by my years going through depression, dreams and psychology with the aim of shining […]…
Why “food”? Simply because I found myself working in a food business for several years and I had to escape mentally to fill the […]…
In this new series entitled “The Mutants”, consumer society and above all the idea of oral drive in the current world are questioned by […]…
It is the furtive meeting between a photographer and private motorists, each at his wheel, here and there on country roads or at random […]…
I imagined drawing on a black sheet of paper with a white marker. Black is the negation of colour, it represents the absolute limit […]…
This project is inspired by from verses of a poem by the French poet Pierre Louys “‘ll leave the windows closed. and I’m not gonna open the door because the memory left“ Don’t leave in the wind.” Pierre […]…
Bunker holidays is a plastic work around the landscape that is part of a project of reflection on the territory and is the first […]…