QUETICO We had a surgeon in both canoes. One brought his steadiness and precision to slicing open and carefully cleaning the walleye, small mouth […]…
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CHÂTEAU ROUGE Château Rouge is an area of the 18th district of Paris closed to Montmartre, where most of the people are of African […]…
Every weekend, The Eye of Photography dedicates itself to the portfolios of its readers. By publishing the best portfolios, the magazine enables photographers around the world […]…
On my first trip to Doug’s Gym in downtown Dallas, I climbed a sagging wooden staircase to find a rundown old gym with peeling […]…
At the detention center in Melun, France, about a hundred inmates work in printing and metallurgy workshops. They learn useful jobs for their release […]…
I went to Montreal to prepare a thesis, with pictures in support of urban spaces. I came back with a photographic series about ” […]…
Daniel Yonekubo is a self-taught Brazilian photographer who uses photography as a way of expression. His works are based on his reflections and daily experiences, […]…
FIVE is a fantasy and refreshing dive, in the 60’s universe of an old hotel, lost on the outskirts of a road in France. Built […]…
I AM LANDSCAPE. Every landscape is the product of the long time, of the history of nature and of human history, albeit on a […]…
2013 – My Italian summer in the F2 mode. what am i doing? i never know and when I do not know, that is […]…