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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Lucien Duhamel

End of a dream Fromagerie Saint-Agnès, Charlevoix, Quebec. They came from Europe to realize their dream, after a lot of effort they created this […]…

Christian Clausier

Christian spirituality Virgin Mary, you are here forever, simply because you are Mary, simply because you exist. Mother of Jesus Christ, be thanked. This […]…

Joseph Rafferty

Man’s Search For Meaning ~ In homage to advancing culture, together. ~ (Pang) “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is […]…

Steven Stanley Manolakis

The Kimberley Located in Australia’s beautiful northwest, the Kimberley is one of the world’s oldest and largest wilderness landscapes. Its predominantly untouched coastline featuring […]…

Monty Barham

I’ve crisscrossed America twice and completed my third trek – racking up nearly 40,000 miles in America so far. In 2018 I moved into […]…

Bernard Chevalier

Domestic photos In every private place, however modest, it is rare that the photographic image does not occupy a special place. Framed or not, […]…


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