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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Cyndi Bemel

Just Passing By The world’s a little blurry as time slips by. Gazing at the changing earth, the sky opens up awakening the mysteries […]…

Pierre-Olivier Beaulieu

Patiss-graphie  My new universe “Patiss-graphie” are photos built like canvases made with desserts and edible elements. Search for a balanced composition, the interweaving of […]…

Joël Hauet

Gueules de Bois / Wooden Faces The idea, more than ever to defend the forest, to re-examine ourselves, to let the imagination open up […]…

Thierry Camus

J’en perds la boule  / I’m losing my “marble” She came into my life somewhat by chance, one December morning and as soon as […]…

Kurt Hollander

The Boardwalk Benches of Brighton Beach Going to the Coney Island/Brighton Beach boardwalk on the Fourth of July has long been a tradition for […]…

Michel Daumergue

The scale and the limit The series I present here was born from a journey that became displacement. Iceland has indeed moved me by […]…


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