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The Eye of Photography offers a selection of renowned photographers or young talents in this section.

Francois Maurel

The route of 10 ferries, the roads of the Impossible, Madagascar September 18 / October 17, 2022. 4000KM Borders do not interest him. Who […]…

Maxime Michelet

My sisters and brothers In the family albums, the first photos, proofs of our existence, do not represent us alone. In a bubble bath, […]…

Jacques Villière

Reminaissance Reminaissance, do not look for this word, it does not appear in any dictionary, do not look either with which filters I treated […]…

Michael Jantzen

Interrogating the Meaning of Houses, Churches, and Chairs Interrogating the Meaning of Houses, Churches, and Chairs, is a series of photos that play with […]…

Monika K. Adler

Nostalgia The photography series ‘Nostalgia’ tells the story of an immigrant’s remembrance of a life disrupted by war. Cold earth and blackened gun-metal. Taking […]…

Antonio Denti

A Longing for the Desert (Kingdom of Bahrain) Oil economy – with its huge wealth (a blessing and damnation) – has carpeted the immense Arabic desert of […]…


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