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Our section that seek for trends and trendy photographers.

Lisa Carletta

In my photographs, I work with daily scenes, disturbed through strain and boredom. With glossy appearance and material comfort, the characters evoke the loneliness and lack of communication inherent to…

Hermès by Nick Knight

Hermès won the 27th Grand Prix de la Publicité de Presse magazine, organized by the Syndicat de la Presse Magazine Marketing & Publicité, with its campaign “Des outils inspirés” (inspired…

Lucie et Simon

With Silent World, we wanted to transform major cities into unknown imaginary landscapes. We place one or more symbolic characters into these ghostly abandoned cities to stand as the last…

Mi Zhou

What attracted me was the simplicity and basic idea of human history, when people still treated nature with awe and fear. They lived the simple and primitive life, with a…

Billy & Hells

This recent series The Astronaut’s Wife is conceived by Billy & Hells in the manner of a retrospective diary. The images illustrate events, encounters, remarkable occurrences, or emotional states. Images…

Ward Roberts

In my younger years I'd often spend a lot of time playing tennis, soccer and basketball with friends. We'd break into schools on the weekend just to play sport. I…

LVMH by Jean-François Campos

LVMH wins the Corporate Prize for its' "Les journées Particulières" campaign, created by " Euro RSCG c&o " and photographed par Jean-François Campos, at the 27th Grand Prix de la…

Alex Prager

M+B presents Compulsion, an exhibition of new work by contemporary artist Alex Prager. The exhibition features a selection of color photographs from the series, as well as the artist’s new…

Jean-Yves Lemoigne

Modern man has become a cog in a very complex society. We live in a society that praises individuality on the one hand and conformity on the other. A society…

A rock is a roc is a roque

“A rock is a roc is a roque”: that’s the droll, gimmicky title that artistic director Nicolas Havette has given to his new photography exhibition. Through June 15, the gallery…


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