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LVMH by Jean-François Campos


LVMH by Jean-François Campos Prix Corporate de la publicité de presse magazine LVMH wins the Corporate Prize for its’ “Les journées Particulières” campaign, created by ” Euro RSCG c&o ” and photographed par Jean-François Campos, at the 27th Grand Prix de la Publicité de Presse Magazine, a competition organized by the press magazine marketing & advertising union.

This project came to fruition in an extraordinary way. The successful result, in my opinion, is due to the unique manner in which this campaign was created. The “truth” found in the images, the humane approach, did not escape the people who commented on the project. It was an ambitious project, and its’ success comes from the confidence that LVMH had in the creative team. In the beginning of the bidding process, I proposed a way in which I saw the campaign coming together. I felt it was important to shoot in very intimate conditions, staying close to a reportage approach by reducing the team to a minimum and without the client on set. It was clear to me that the usual advertising set up would not make possible to capture the subtle moments of grace, the hand of the man at work, which is the focus of the campaign. This way of working was respected at all times, and as we know, very few clients today grant such a field of freedom to the creative team.

Jean-François Campos lives and works in New York.

Photographer: Jean-François Campos
Agency: Euro Rscg C&O
Creative Director: Christophe Coffre
Artistic Director: Silke Neumann
Copywriter: Sylvain Louradour

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