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Yan Morvan’s inverse fetishism

According to the well-known Duchampian perspective on photography, Yan Morvan knows that “action” in itself isn’t much: only its consequences make sense. That’s why, horsing around with his often-scandalizing models,…

Lorena Ros : Unspoken

In Western countries, twenty-five percent of women and thirteen percent of men have been victims of sexual abuse by adults before they reach the age of seventeen. Their abusers were…

Anna Agoston : Untitled Vol.2

Untitled Vol.2 is Anna Agoston’s second self-published book of photographs with text. Its 50 stunning black-and-white images of plant parts were photographed in nature with a macro photography lens. The…

Possession immédiate, Volume IV

The fourth issue of French cultural review Possession immédiate has just hit the newsstands. Part-book, part-magazine, Possession immédiate is an independent publication launched in 2014. John Jefferson Selve, its chief…


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