1971, the Epinay congress just occurred, the united left is making progress. From meetings to gatherings to congressional demonstrations, Pascal Lebrun covered François Mitterrand’s career path, his women and men,…
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For the seventh year in a row, the Promenades Photographiques will take place during the summer at Vendôme. This small county in the Loir-et-Cher region will host until next September…
Since 1980, Tristan Jeanne-Valès has specialized in dance photography. The book entitled “Dance, l’étreinte” covers the worlds of Pina Bausch, Trisha Brown, Jean-Claude Gallotta, Maguy Marin, also those of Josef…
For her photography series Stefanie Schneider exclusively uses expired Polaroid film in which the chemicals react in an unpredictable manner provoking chromatic aberrations, holes and haloes that carefully rest over…
Christophe Beauregard was born in 1966 and lives in Paris. Following his studies in Literature, he became interested in photography and tattoo removal, as he states: “As tattoos and body…
Christophe Gin and Ricardo Venturi are the two winners of the SoPhot.com competition, devoted to promote the work of social and environmental photography.…
These images by Leonardo Marcos are taken from the exhibition Images Publiques, Images privées (Public images, private images), featured at the Galerie du Passage unti July 9th. They are coupled…
At Andrea Meislin Gallery in New York, an exhibition of recent and new photographs by Barry Frydlender. The exhibition features seven large-scale color pictures which record Frydlender’s passage through four…
On Friday two photographers, Chris Anderson and Ashley Gilbertson, who have seen the worst of human kind’s ability inflict pain and suffering on their fellow inhabitants of this small planet…