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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Bamako 2011 –Daniel Naudé

I retraced the route of artist-explorer Samuel Daniell, who in 1800 set out on a journey from Cape Town to Leetakoe (today Ditakong) to document the landscape. Conversations with people…

Bamako 2011 –Khalil Nemmaoui

People are always – instinctively – surrounded by vegetation, but people can forget themselves, as well as forgetting the essentials. Isolated trees try, as best they can, to survive their…

Bamako 2011 –Ymane Fakhir

I like to record social and religious phenomena related to Islamic-Arabic culture. Based on my own experiences, I address the issue of women, their future, their liberation and the norms…

Bamako 2011 –Amr Fekry

I use my cultural roots – Islam, Sufism and ancient Egyptian culture – as a springboard of exploration in the ocean of the contemporary world. Through my Sufi and ancient…


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