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All archives of The Eye of Photography are classified by theme in this section. It contains various articles about photography art, exclusive interviews of famous photographers, an economic section, public or private collections presentations along with the latest trends in the photography world which are to be discovered in the magazine.

Pierre Terrasson–Polaroids

Pierre Terrasson presents his Polaroids and decals from the 1990s. In the Polaroid process, you keeps positive image and throw out the chemistry. For decals, the process is reversed: you…

Berlin –Zoé Beausire

The Swiss photographer Zoé Beausire is 25 years old and lives in Berlin. Kominek Books is publishing her first book, Rosette, Mauricette et Roby, and exhibiting her work at the…

Zineland by Antoine Soubrier : TONK

First noticed in 2009 with The Great Unreal, an hallucinogenic photographic road trip across the United States, the Swiss duo TONK (Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs) recently published a two-volume…

Turkey : Bursa FotoFest 2012 Jake Price

Among the many portraits that covererd the walls of Bursa’s hans and cultural center were those, disfigured, found by rescue teams after the Japanese earthquake of Fukushima, and photographed by…

William Daniels — Faded Tulip

I remember becoming conscious of Kyrgyzstan for the first time when in march 2005 I watched on TV Asiatic looking men surging toward an imposing soviet-style administrative building. Once inside…


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