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Reims 2012, Agnès Pataux

Despite the Western misrepresentation of the animism of African religions, they share the belief in one God the Creator who is only accessible through the intermediaries of spiritual forces,…

Reims 2012, Nicolas Bruant

Removed from their social and cultural context, the masks, statues and ritual instruments that we admire in museums are bleeding to death from a lack of understanding. They were not…

Reims 2012, Emilie Chaix

The Bwiti rituals originated in Central Gabon. Several centuries ago It was at once a vision of the universe, a teaching, an organization of society and a therapy. Only admitted…

Reims 2012, Serge Brunier

Every year, in the heart of the Southern hemisphere’s winter, Earth is plunged into darkness, face-to-face with the Milky Way, our galaxy. In order to view this staggering panorama in…


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