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Find here our coverage of all the photo festivals in the world.

Lianzhou 2012 –Shen Gefei

There is a story. Once upon a time, there were two wells in a small kingdom. The wizard put medicine in the well that belonged to the civilians. All civilians…

China : –Lianzhou Festival 2012

"Narratives and narrative forms" is the theme of the eighth Lianzhou International Photo Festival. This city of 400,000 people—mid-sized for China—is 200 kilometers from Canton. The festival has become an…

Lianzhou 2012 –Jiang Zhi

The most beautiful things, the objects themselves, have an end: to disappear. But what they have given us, like the feelings of beauty of love, will survive. That is what…

Lianzhou 2012 –Li Yuning

Li Yuning came from the armed police, this special circumstance made it possible for him to photograph soldier's lives . It is our stereotype that young…

Lianzhou 2012 –Murong Slipper

Murong Slippers’ real name is Yu, not Murong. The pseudonym is a combination of a traditional surname and, well, slippers. It’s a sign that the person behind the name likes…


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