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Find here our coverage of all the photo festivals in the world.

Aaron Siskind Frieze Masters

At Frieze Masters, Bruce Silverstein Gallery presents a solo exhibition of Aaron Siskind‘s photographs that span his career, highlighting his aesthetic evolution and his consistent interest in form.…

Fotoindustria 2013

The Biennale is the first initiative of its kind in the world to be devoted to industrial, corporate and work photography, with the aim of representing one of the main…

Robin Hammond by Our age is 13 Robin Hammond, photojournaliste néo-zélandais, expose depuis le 19 octobre au festival Photoreporter de Saint-Brieuc un sujet sur la capitale du Nigeria : Lagos. Entre l’émergence d’une classe moyenne africaine dans…

Guy Martin by Our age is 13 Guy Martin était photojournaliste, mais il se dit maintenant photographe. Fatigué de devoir correspondre aux attentes des magazines et des titres de presse, il a décidé de s’éloigner des zones…

Les Photaumnales 2013 Beauvais

This year, the festival « The Photaumnales » which takes place in Beauvais, celebrates its 10th anniversary. For this special edition, the organizers have invited 62 photographers with 39 exhibitions to celebrate…

André Mérian

As part of the International Days of Photography in Izmir, Turkey, the photographer André Merian presents two series « Waterfront » and « Wonderful Spaces » at the French Institute of Izmir from October…

Miami Beach: The Diary

Andi Potamkin is a gallerist and curator, living in New York City. She is a Director at Steven Kasher Gallery in Chelsea, and co-owner of Three Squares Studio, a hair…

Day 2

Today I visited Design Miami, a global forum for 20th and 21st century furniture, lighting, and objets d’art. I was delighted by the innovative designs: some were gorgeous, some were…


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